Logistics consultants are specialists who help companies optimize their logistics operations. Consultants provide support to companies on issues such as supply chain management, logistics planning, stock management, warehousing and distribution operations, transportation management, customs clearance and reducing logistics costs.

Logistics consultants examine the logistics operations of companies and identify problems and inefficiencies in existing logistics processes. They then create a customized logistics strategy to suit the companies' needs.

BSB Consulting

This strategy may include objectives such as making logistics processes more efficient, reducing inventory costs, shortening delivery times and increasing customer satisfaction.

BSB Consulting

Logistics consultants also recommend suitable technologies for optimizing companies' logistics processes.

  • These technologies can be warehouse management systems, inventory management software, transportation management software, supply chain management software, and other logistics software.

  • Logistics consultants also help companies create appropriate human resources strategies to manage their logistics operations. These strategies may include issues such as staff training, staff motivation and staff management.


In conclusion;

Logistics consultants help companies make their logistics processes more efficient and profitable by determining the strategies, technologies and human resources management strategies necessary to optimize their logistics operations.


Logistics service is the services that cover the processes such as storage, transportation and management of these products and services in the process from the production of goods and services to the consumer. Logistics services cover all stages within the supply chain, from the production stage to the final consumers.

Logistics services provide effective management of materials, raw materials, parts, products and services.

BSB Consulting

These services cover operations such as transportation, warehousing, inventory management, order management, customs clearance and logistics cost reduction.

Inventory management
Order management
Customs clearance

Logistics services help companies optimize their production and sales activities. By using logistics services, companies can reduce inventory costs, shorten delivery times, increase customer satisfaction, and generally make production and sales activities more efficient.

Logistics services are important for companies operating in many different sectors. In fast-moving industries such as the food and retail industries, properly managing logistics services is critical to gaining competitive advantage. In addition, logistics services play an important role in global trade and enable business activities between countries.

In conclusion;

Logistics services are services that help companies optimize their production and sales activities by effectively managing goods and services in the supply chain.